Tom, my beloved hubby, and Iare readingthe biblein a yearand now, in the month ofDecember 2013, we enjoyedthe bookof Revelation. We always prayforthe Lord to sendthe HolySpirit tohelp us understandwhat we are reading. Specially during the reading of Revelation, which is very difficult to understand the important prophecies.
Lastweekenda miraclehappened. We werewatching TVandwhen we changechannelslooking for something interestingwe foundthe filmleft behind, which was produced by truly Christiansto help people to understandthe Apocalypse! Is it not it wonderfulthat the Lordanswers ourprayers? This movies helped us a lot to understand better the Revelation. Linksof the movieLeft Behind1, 2 and 3: LEFT BEHIND 1
May the Lordblessyouand your family also. Have a wonderful and blessed New Year.