By Ruth Ferraz
We have seen in these last days of earth's history, what Jesus warned: that love will grow cold in almost "end of time":
"Then many false prophets will appear and fool many people. Such will be the spread of evil that many people's love will grow cold. But whoever holds out to the end will be saved. "(Matthew 24.11-13).
We found that many who call themselves "Christians" or "believers" and even attend church, do not have a true and deep love for God, the Holy Scriptures and neighbor. Remember that even atheists can be solidary and help. There are many emotional cults where one is singing great music "gooospeel", "falling in spirit," praying to get rich, etc, but the deep study of the Bible, which calls for a reasonable service to put into practice does not occur. Do not worry about helping and loving others! So people do not bear fruit and will thus be cut and thrown out. It's even worse ... looking for someone who truly follow the Word, dress decently and live a sanctified life is branded as fundamentalist! The other day a congressman, I will not even mention the name, told in National Congress in full, "these people fundamentalists who follow the Bible literally!" So many cower and shy about saying who believe in Jesus and in the Bible [...]
"Then many false prophets will appear and fool many people. Such will be the spread of evil that many people's love will grow cold. But whoever holds out to the end will be saved. "(Matthew 24.11-13).
We found that many who call themselves "Christians" or "believers" and even attend church, do not have a true and deep love for God, the Holy Scriptures and neighbor. Remember that even atheists can be solidary and help. There are many emotional cults where one is singing great music "gooospeel", "falling in spirit," praying to get rich, etc, but the deep study of the Bible, which calls for a reasonable service to put into practice does not occur. Do not worry about helping and loving others! So people do not bear fruit and will thus be cut and thrown out. It's even worse ... looking for someone who truly follow the Word, dress decently and live a sanctified life is branded as fundamentalist! The other day a congressman, I will not even mention the name, told in National Congress in full, "these people fundamentalists who follow the Bible literally!" So many cower and shy about saying who believe in Jesus and in the Bible [...]
I've lost count of how many churches I attended, the inclusive Catholic, even sects in an attempt to learn more of the Word and the Lord. I know how well this hard to find a good church to congregate, but this does not happen while we read the Word at home, asking the Holy Spirit to give us discernment, revelation, comfort, etc... and we will help you find a church that is part of the holy body of Christ! We can go to loving and helping others, even if it is praying! I do not know how many acts of idolatry've done, how many vain repetitions already stated, but often crying until I cried to the Lord for mercy and finally one day my heart was opened and becoming! Only the Lord sees the heart, and He knows when a person is trying to be sincere and seeking TheTruth!
I myself, by myself, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I've read the entire Bible in a year, the first time, praying, seeking God, serving Him as assistant Evangelical Hospital Chaplaincy, until the Truth has set me free. Then, not give up brother (sister), can take, but the blessing comes. Let us love God in any circusntancia, as did Job, because "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world"!.
Jesus quotes the Gospel that his sheep hear his voice, then we need to know what the characteristics of his flock to be able to live with Him in heaven for eternity. Here are some characteristics of the sheep of Jesus and the "goats" of the world lieth in wickedness. Goats are those who can not hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, in a world with so many needs and demands, nor care about their salvation and others. What can we fit with the characteristics of sheep.
Characteristics of the sheep of Jesus:
- Hear the voice of Jesus and has as its true shepherd, not away from it ever, watch and pray,
- Docility,
- Meekness,
- It is "salt" and light to the world;
- Cares about your salvation and that of others, goes around the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus his master,
- Serve God's work as part of the Body of Christ
- Totally dependent on Jesus, knowing that itself has no capacity to do anything without Him
- Walk in the Word, because it does not want to stray from the Good Shepherd and get lost in the world,
- Accepts corrections, is not rebellious,
- Just like the sheep wool animal produces warming, the sheep of Jesus produces warmth, which means lovingness, loves God above all things and our neighbor,
- These people well and try to get them to the Good Shepherd
- Only "eat" what is good, pure, not defile himself with the "trash of the world." The sheep animal only eats grass fresh and pure, the sheep of Jesus "eat" the Word of God and all that is pure and serves for your spiritual growth;
- This last feature he knew it would be difficult for us, He knew he must make a sacrifice to truly understand what he wanted from us. "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb that is led to the slaughter , and as a sheep silent before her shearers, so he opened not his mouth "(Isaiah 53:7). Ewe is the only animal that does not make noise to die, do not complain when need be sacrificed, not complaining of circumstances, not get angry, does not try to escape. Stay silent, silent. We still need to learn a lot from the sheep. We need to shut up and pray, often without saying anything!
Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, protects his sheep! If we are fully to Him, He is with us!
I myself, by myself, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I've read the entire Bible in a year, the first time, praying, seeking God, serving Him as assistant Evangelical Hospital Chaplaincy, until the Truth has set me free. Then, not give up brother (sister), can take, but the blessing comes. Let us love God in any circusntancia, as did Job, because "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world"!.
Jesus quotes the Gospel that his sheep hear his voice, then we need to know what the characteristics of his flock to be able to live with Him in heaven for eternity. Here are some characteristics of the sheep of Jesus and the "goats" of the world lieth in wickedness. Goats are those who can not hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, in a world with so many needs and demands, nor care about their salvation and others. What can we fit with the characteristics of sheep.
Characteristics of the sheep of Jesus:
- Hear the voice of Jesus and has as its true shepherd, not away from it ever, watch and pray,
- Docility,
- Meekness,
- It is "salt" and light to the world;
- Cares about your salvation and that of others, goes around the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus his master,
- Serve God's work as part of the Body of Christ
- Totally dependent on Jesus, knowing that itself has no capacity to do anything without Him
- Walk in the Word, because it does not want to stray from the Good Shepherd and get lost in the world,
- Accepts corrections, is not rebellious,
- Just like the sheep wool animal produces warming, the sheep of Jesus produces warmth, which means lovingness, loves God above all things and our neighbor,
- These people well and try to get them to the Good Shepherd
- Only "eat" what is good, pure, not defile himself with the "trash of the world." The sheep animal only eats grass fresh and pure, the sheep of Jesus "eat" the Word of God and all that is pure and serves for your spiritual growth;

Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, protects his sheep! If we are fully to Him, He is with us!
Will you face Evil
Characteristics of the goat:
- False "Christian" or "Christian", because it will think the church from time to time without committing to the Word, the work and the body of Christ, this saved;
- Do not hear the voice of Jesus,
- This far from the truth,
- Do not bother to know the background and the words of Jesus enthroned them into each other to practice them,
- To hear the Word but this is not the fruits;
- Has temper, acts on impulse, is aggressive,
- Has al "ingua loose to offend", sometimes even without reason,
- If rebels when corrected,
- Seeing things wrong in the world and in the church and not question, does "blind eye" does not pray for the situation to improve and all be blessed,
- If feeding with porcariadas the world being infected. As the goat animal that eats up plastic, cans, etc., as much mundane junk, which means let your mind open to watch: novels, indecent things, etc;
- Rejects the true followers of God, as only want to hear what they like,
- Rejects sound doctrine and accept the false doctrine of false teachers. In order to hear only what they are interested, or looking to separate themselves, doctors or teachers according to their own lusts, the followers of false teachers, can not be considered innocent in view is that they are the reason for the existence of false teachers.
- They love and accept lies, fantasy, fables and if someone is preaching the bible to them, they just turn their backs and walk away, and never actually take hold.
- Live the margin of truth, has no commitment to the Body of Christ which is the true church,
- They eat everything that does not provide that the world offers (novels, films "spicy", etc.), their minds are corrupted, the dirty rubble of this world is what pleases them, since there is no transformation in their lives.
- Enjoy being cheated because if someone offers them the Word of salvation, he rejects
- Is attracted by the alleged prophetic promises, "prosperity theology" miraculous blessings, life-changing magic offered by the false teachers
- Has selfish desires and selfish, but have no desire to know God's Word in depth, since nowadays in the Bible for whoever wants to "online".
If you framed in some of the characteristics of "goat", and wants to be a true "sheep" of Jesus, rejoice. Thank God, His Word never returns empty, but must build and lead people to serve God and love Him with all your heart, soul and might.
Look what the true prophet Isaiah says: And there shall be a highway, a road that will be called The way of holiness, the unclean shall not pass over it, but it is for God's people; hikers, though fools, not err. Isaiah 35:8. Lord is telling us that whosoever will, never will miss the path which is the Word of God.
We need to be known by Him, be part of the flock of Jesus. He knows us, knows all our features and true intentions. Son of God is not confused, he knows, he discerns. The Word says that the spiritual judges all things and he himself is judged by no one.

Dear Lord Jesus!
We want to be Yours sheep,
We want to hear your voice to teach us life!
What's Your Word can be enthroned in us and we in you!
Thank you Lord, for:
By Yours stripes we are healed!
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