By Ruth Ferraz
Amish are a Christian Anabaptist religious group who reside mostly in the U.S. and Canada, but there are also small groups in Latin America, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. They are known for their conservative mores, like not using electronic equipment, including telephone and automobiles. [...]
By Ruth Ferraz
Amish are a Christian Anabaptist religious group who reside mostly in the U.S. and Canada, but there are also small groups in Latin America, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. They are known for their conservative mores, like not using electronic equipment, including telephone and automobiles. [...]
Like the Mennonites, the Amish are descendants of Swiss Anabaptist groups called the radical Reformation. The Swiss Anabaptists or "Swiss Brethren" had their origins with Felix Manz (ca. 1498-1527) and Conrad Grebel (ca.1498-1526). The name "Mennonite" was applied later and came from Menno Simons (1496-1561). Simons was a Dutch Catholic priest who converted to Anabaptism in 1536. The Amish movement began with Jacob Amman (c. 1656 - c. 1730), a leader of the Swiss Mennonites who believed that they were moving away from the teachings of Simons.The first Amish began emigrating to the United States in the eighteenth century to avoid persecution and conscription. The first emigrants went to Berks County, Pennsylvania.
The Amish prefer to live apart from the rest of society. They do not provide services military, do not pay Social Security and do not accept any form of government assistance. Most speak a German dialect known as "German of Pennsylvania" (in English: Pennsylvania Dutch or Pennsylvania German). They are divided into brotherhoods, which in turn is divided into districts and congregations. Each district is independent and has its own rules of coexistence.
They dress equally and very simple. The men wear black, beard, no mustache (married) and hat, and women dressed to the wide ankle, black stockings, apron and plays black or white, this for prayers and / or baptisms. The idea for the use of clothing is simple to avoid feelings of pride or envy, apart from being a waste of time and money. Sew your own clothes, but buy the fabrics in small shops as well as the rest of the accessories, such as belts, shoes, etc.. The houses are also very simple and stripped of superfluous accessories.
The Amish are apparently not rich by money that may have (do not make loans, then do not pay interest or pay social security), but by the number and size of properties they have. This wealth is created by the increased value of the land. How not to spend money on clothes and other goods that we call basic, do not need large incomes, living the very basis of the exchange of goods. The family and community are the bank and the insurer. All contribute their income to the community fund and all providing aid and assistance to each other. A young couple can count on the help of family and the entire community to acquire your property. What they produce (the blankets are famous) is sold through intermediaries (small shops) and never directly to the purchaser and the purchase of equipment.
The film "Witness", with actor Harrison Ford, shows the lifestyle of the Amish in the United States. Men wearing black suits and hats and women with their heads covered by a white hood and a black dress. The Amish community considered very liberal image that made them.
The Amish do not like to be photographed. Interpret that according to the Bible, a Christian should not keep your own image engraved.
The principles of their beliefs are:
- The Bible especially the New Testament ethics, must be obeyed as God's will, though not systematize his theology, but applying them in day-to-day. The interpretation of the Bible is held in worship and church meetings. This position of avoiding theological quarrels avoided doctrinal divisions character in Anabaptist denominations.- Creeds and confessions are only documents to demonstrate what one believes, but require adherence or belief to them. Accepted, so in essence the historic creeds of Christianity, but not profess.- The Church is a community of people formed voluntary reborn. The Church is not subordinate to any human authority, be it the state or the religious hierarchy. So avoid taking part in government activities, pledge allegiance to nation, participate in wars.
- The Church is a spiritual institution, invisible, but a real human community and marked by separation from the world and sin and an affirmative position to follow the commandments of Christ.-The Church celebrates the Baptism by sprinkling adult as a symbol of recognition and obedience to Christ, and the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Jesus Christ's mission.
- The Church has the authority to discipline its members and even their expulsion, in order to maintain the purity of the individual and the church.
- As can be noticed, the Anabaptist theology is massively ecclesiological, based on community life and Church.
- As for salvation, the Amish believe in free will, human beings have the ability to repent of their sins and God regenerates and helps you walk into a life of regeneration.
- The Amish do not believe that conversion to Christ is an emotional experience of a moment but a process that takes a lifetime;
- What unique in Anabaptist theology, especially after Menno Simons, is the view of the nature of Christ, has a semi-Nestorian doctrine, believing that Jesus Christ was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, but did not inherit any part Hhr physical. Mary would therefore an instrument used by God to fulfill His plan.
- The essence of Christianity is to practice an adherence to the teachings of Christ.
- The ethics of love governs all human relationships.
- Pacifism: Violence and Christianity are incompatible.The Amish worship is practiced the same way since the inception of Anabaptism in the Reformation era. The Cult is directed to God and does not have the character evangelizing therefore practices as "altar call" or "accepting Jesus" does not exist.
They do not build the church, so gather in private homes or in halls of schools. The women sit separately from men and covering their heads with a veil. Worship begins with an invocation of some of the elders here are hymns, sung Ausbund the hymnal, which is the same text from the sixteenth century and contains no musical notation. So there is a prayer where all kneel silently until some male member of the church to pray. The reading and preaching of the Bible is made extemporaneously, without prepared sermons, and many elterns (elders) open the Scriptures randomly. Follow a minister's prayer and a final blessing. The congregation says goodbye with a kiss.They have their own school and church.
Baptism at age 16, marks the entry into the Amish church. A member is free to leave. However, the removal of a member entails never return to the community. It will be considered a foreigner. Rarely happens to have a member who prefer the worldly life. Will also be apart those who persist in challenging the established order, call Ordnung.Courtship among the Amish is done mainly in religious events or other, but under the supervision of others. However, there are very restricted and who is waking often closes his eyes. Unmarried young people choose each other, and there is therefore a habit of arranged marriages. Marriage is a serious event and cheerful in which the whole community participates. Weddings are always made after the autumn harvest.
The habits and customs of this society continue as old as when they began. Living well in the XXI century, is to be an example that it is possible to live in the simplicity of the gospel and happy. They are an example for the believers who supporters of Prosperity Theology and capitalists Pastors who leave in mansions.
One of the largest Amish communities in the world is in Pennsylvania (USA). In October 2006, a massacre in an Amish school resulted in the deaths of five children between 6 and 13 years, plus the gunman, 32, who committed suicide. The shooter was a milk truck driver who attended the community. 10 girls took hostages. On the same day, community members visited the Roberts family (the driver) to say that forgave. At the funeral of the girls, the grandfather of one of the victims said the other children, "we should not hate the man" The fact inspired the movie Amish Grace (Grace and Forgiveness in Brazil).

"Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). By the meekness that the Amish have everything they have to inherit the earth, because they really know "care for the earth," without damaging it and dirty it. Yes they know how to have real humility and not be proud and arrogant. Blessed be the Lord who allowed a people so beautiful survive until today, despite such great difficulties and persecutions.
The following video explains the Amish Lifestyle:
The Amish prefer to live apart from the rest of society. They do not provide services military, do not pay Social Security and do not accept any form of government assistance. Most speak a German dialect known as "German of Pennsylvania" (in English: Pennsylvania Dutch or Pennsylvania German). They are divided into brotherhoods, which in turn is divided into districts and congregations. Each district is independent and has its own rules of coexistence.
They dress equally and very simple. The men wear black, beard, no mustache (married) and hat, and women dressed to the wide ankle, black stockings, apron and plays black or white, this for prayers and / or baptisms. The idea for the use of clothing is simple to avoid feelings of pride or envy, apart from being a waste of time and money. Sew your own clothes, but buy the fabrics in small shops as well as the rest of the accessories, such as belts, shoes, etc.. The houses are also very simple and stripped of superfluous accessories.
The Amish are apparently not rich by money that may have (do not make loans, then do not pay interest or pay social security), but by the number and size of properties they have. This wealth is created by the increased value of the land. How not to spend money on clothes and other goods that we call basic, do not need large incomes, living the very basis of the exchange of goods. The family and community are the bank and the insurer. All contribute their income to the community fund and all providing aid and assistance to each other. A young couple can count on the help of family and the entire community to acquire your property. What they produce (the blankets are famous) is sold through intermediaries (small shops) and never directly to the purchaser and the purchase of equipment.
The film "Witness", with actor Harrison Ford, shows the lifestyle of the Amish in the United States. Men wearing black suits and hats and women with their heads covered by a white hood and a black dress. The Amish community considered very liberal image that made them.
The Amish do not like to be photographed. Interpret that according to the Bible, a Christian should not keep your own image engraved.
The principles of their beliefs are:
- The Bible especially the New Testament ethics, must be obeyed as God's will, though not systematize his theology, but applying them in day-to-day. The interpretation of the Bible is held in worship and church meetings. This position of avoiding theological quarrels avoided doctrinal divisions character in Anabaptist denominations.- Creeds and confessions are only documents to demonstrate what one believes, but require adherence or belief to them. Accepted, so in essence the historic creeds of Christianity, but not profess.- The Church is a community of people formed voluntary reborn. The Church is not subordinate to any human authority, be it the state or the religious hierarchy. So avoid taking part in government activities, pledge allegiance to nation, participate in wars.
- The Church is a spiritual institution, invisible, but a real human community and marked by separation from the world and sin and an affirmative position to follow the commandments of Christ.-The Church celebrates the Baptism by sprinkling adult as a symbol of recognition and obedience to Christ, and the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Jesus Christ's mission.
- The Church has the authority to discipline its members and even their expulsion, in order to maintain the purity of the individual and the church.
- As can be noticed, the Anabaptist theology is massively ecclesiological, based on community life and Church.
- As for salvation, the Amish believe in free will, human beings have the ability to repent of their sins and God regenerates and helps you walk into a life of regeneration.
- The Amish do not believe that conversion to Christ is an emotional experience of a moment but a process that takes a lifetime;
- What unique in Anabaptist theology, especially after Menno Simons, is the view of the nature of Christ, has a semi-Nestorian doctrine, believing that Jesus Christ was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, but did not inherit any part Hhr physical. Mary would therefore an instrument used by God to fulfill His plan.
- The essence of Christianity is to practice an adherence to the teachings of Christ.
- The ethics of love governs all human relationships.
- Pacifism: Violence and Christianity are incompatible.The Amish worship is practiced the same way since the inception of Anabaptism in the Reformation era. The Cult is directed to God and does not have the character evangelizing therefore practices as "altar call" or "accepting Jesus" does not exist.
They do not build the church, so gather in private homes or in halls of schools. The women sit separately from men and covering their heads with a veil. Worship begins with an invocation of some of the elders here are hymns, sung Ausbund the hymnal, which is the same text from the sixteenth century and contains no musical notation. So there is a prayer where all kneel silently until some male member of the church to pray. The reading and preaching of the Bible is made extemporaneously, without prepared sermons, and many elterns (elders) open the Scriptures randomly. Follow a minister's prayer and a final blessing. The congregation says goodbye with a kiss.They have their own school and church.
Baptism at age 16, marks the entry into the Amish church. A member is free to leave. However, the removal of a member entails never return to the community. It will be considered a foreigner. Rarely happens to have a member who prefer the worldly life. Will also be apart those who persist in challenging the established order, call Ordnung.Courtship among the Amish is done mainly in religious events or other, but under the supervision of others. However, there are very restricted and who is waking often closes his eyes. Unmarried young people choose each other, and there is therefore a habit of arranged marriages. Marriage is a serious event and cheerful in which the whole community participates. Weddings are always made after the autumn harvest.
The habits and customs of this society continue as old as when they began. Living well in the XXI century, is to be an example that it is possible to live in the simplicity of the gospel and happy. They are an example for the believers who supporters of Prosperity Theology and capitalists Pastors who leave in mansions.
One of the largest Amish communities in the world is in Pennsylvania (USA). In October 2006, a massacre in an Amish school resulted in the deaths of five children between 6 and 13 years, plus the gunman, 32, who committed suicide. The shooter was a milk truck driver who attended the community. 10 girls took hostages. On the same day, community members visited the Roberts family (the driver) to say that forgave. At the funeral of the girls, the grandfather of one of the victims said the other children, "we should not hate the man" The fact inspired the movie Amish Grace (Grace and Forgiveness in Brazil).

"Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). By the meekness that the Amish have everything they have to inherit the earth, because they really know "care for the earth," without damaging it and dirty it. Yes they know how to have real humility and not be proud and arrogant. Blessed be the Lord who allowed a people so beautiful survive until today, despite such great difficulties and persecutions.
The following video explains the Amish Lifestyle:
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